A place

for big ideas.


Kitchen with tea/coffee

Private phone booths

Space to host events

Large communal dining area and lounge

Large meeting room w/ smart TV system

Roof terrace

24/7 access

Shower room

Gigabit internet speeds

Easy access

Nuno is located in the heart of Lisbon with great links to everywhere in Portugal

Chill zones

Nuno is located in the heart of Lisbon with great links to everywhere in Portugal

Best people

Nuno is located in the heart of Lisbon with great links to everywhere in Portugal

Explore the space

Modern, friendly, Portuguese, cool, brutalist, and nice

Saepe Debitis Laborum
Vel At Reprehenderit
Rerum Aut Ut Vero
Culpa Modi Architecto Nemo

Just a bunch of frens building things

Looking for a home for your business? A space to host meetings or events? Friends to share ideas with? Or just somewhere quiet to escape the kids? 🤪

Nuno is a private co-working and events space in the heart of Lisbon with rooftop views and friends across Portugal.

We have over 150 square meters of space across five private offices and individual workstations.

Come say hi!

A place for big ideas. A place for big ideas. A place for big ideas. A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.

A place for big ideas. A place for big ideas. A place for big ideas. A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.  A place for big ideas.

Nuno's friends

Nuno's family

MyWorld Inc.

Escada Finance

Breezy Living

Parity Technologies



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